On the other paw, this new store has neighbors as well... new people to impress with my awesomeness. One of the new stores is a doctors office. I adore the nurses, they treat me in the style of which I expect to be accustomed. I am cordial to the doctors. They understand me. It's a huge burden for me to be as perpetually fabulous at all times for my endless fans. The doctors share this concept, even if they don't have all the paparrazi that I do. Their offices would be ideal if there were no sick people there.
On the third paw, this new site has a great glass window that I can look out at night and watch the car headlights and laugh at the traffic. If you are ever stuck in a traffic jam on Hwy 360 (which is basically inevitable), look toward my window. I'll wave at you. (or maybe ignore you..depends on my mood).
On the fourth paw, there are 3 fewer less storage rooms for me to get trapped in. phew. That is a load off my mind. Just because I sneak in the storage rooms between yours legs while you aren't looking, or jump up into the ceiling tiles to explore doesn't mean I want to actually stay in there. They are great places to play in, but totally kibbleless. A cat could get hungry up there.
When I first moved here, my human wouldn't let me out the door. I tried various Shock and Awe techniques until she finally agreed to let me outside (by the way, what does "play on the highway, mean?").
But now, I am wise to her tactics. I only go out when she doesn't want me to. When she wants me to go outside, I dive under the nearest couch. heh heh heh. I could do this for hours.
The new store hopefully will have great places for acrobatics, too. |