Thursday, May 12, 2011

Dog! It's Hot!

So, the other day I was laughing at the dog with the weird Yorkshire accent about her swimming in a pool. I can smell chlorine on her when she comes in, you know. What a sissy! I had barely gotten the third "Ha" out when the air conditioning cut off. Stupid storms....The other night I was so excited because I thought I heard a bunch of rats running around back, but it just turned out to be a bunch of hailstones hitting the roof. What a letdown...

Ahhhh. Cold Pepsi on Ice. A terrible vice I picked up.
Storms make terrible loud noises that interrupt my naps. And now, they broke
the air conditioning. Normally I don't mind the heat that much. I just pretend I
am in Egypt again, reclining on pillows, while grovelling humans worship me
and place salmon strips in tribute at my feet. Ah, the good old days.

What I cannot tolerate, however, is the smug smile on that chlorine-scented
ratty little showoff. You know it was Mark Spitz who won those swimming
medals, not Mark Yorkie.

So, next time you are in the store buying something so my human servant can fix the air conditioning, feel free to throw yourself prostrate at my feet (or bow deeply, if your back is acting up). Only, wait til the dog is watching first. That'll get that smug smile off her face.

Oh, and you can bring salmon strips if you wish. I might deign to nibble on them.

Her Glorificus is in.

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