So many new humans big and little have been staying at my house. The little human I found to be quite charming at times and quite annoying at others. She was great for treats though so of course I found myself getting quite attached to her
Let's see since the last time I got to say a few words, there have been MAJOR changes in my house. I was told the company that was coming was only going to be for a little while, that her forever home humans would be coming to get her. I don't know about her, but I most certainly am tired of waiting. It wasn't too bad when she first got there. She was kind of quiet and subdued.
That is when my humans seemed to be sad alot also. But as time has passed, she has grown and filled out and is sort of fun to play with now.
Life is starting to get back to normal, whatever a forever home is, I am not sure if I want her to go to it now, as you can see below, we are a wonderful family and I wouldn't want to change that for anything.