Friday, June 7, 2013

And I was told.........

Well, I see that finally my human has decided to let me express myself again.  As I have told her, it's been quite awhile and all the drama and trauma that I have been through and no one to tell it to!

So many new humans big and little have been staying at my house.  The little human I found to be quite charming at times and quite annoying at others.  She was great for treats though so of course I found myself getting quite attached to her

Someone had to keep her nose clean!!!

and I take all my jobs seriously...see below
Then I find out, this special relationship I thought was just between us, well the BiG Dog just had to get in on the action.  I swear can't I have anything to myself!
So as you can see, we are a rather affectionate family!


Let's see since the last time I got to say a few words, there have been MAJOR changes in my house.  I was told the company that was coming was only going to be for a little while, that her forever home humans would be coming to get her.  I don't know about her, but I most certainly am tired of waiting.  It wasn't too bad when she first got there.  She was kind of quiet and subdued. 
That is when my humans seemed to be sad alot also. But as time has passed, she has grown and filled out and is sort of fun to play with now.

Life is starting to get back to normal, whatever a forever home is, I am not sure if I want her to go to it now, as you can see below, we are a wonderful family and I wouldn't want to change that for anything. 

Thursday, February 21, 2013

And so on

You want me to what?
So does my human realize how much I have to say?  Let me just tell you what a traumatic time I have had.  My human calls them adventures, I called it the trip from you know where.  So this thing called a holiday came up.  You know that one where there are trees in the store that I can climb and hanging things I had so much fun swatting on, sometimes there would be a loud crashing noise and poof what I was swatting at just disappeared.  So much for my fun.

Every notice when I have something to say, depending on what it is; how my meow changes?  Well I figured out that works for humans also!  There is a certain meow my human makes and I will tell you, I know I have done something, so I figure it is just best to find a place and just observe until I think she has forgotten whatever gave her that tone of voice.
Anyway back to that adventure with the trees on the inside.  My human told me I was going to see someone special.  Someone that was going to keep me healthy, whatever that means.  OK, at nite I see my human and that scruffy dog that sits with me everyday get into this funny contraption and than I don't see them again until that funny contraption comes back.  One day I got into that contraption, couldn't figure out what was so special about it.
And the horror begins....the nerve!
MY HUMAN actually somehow tricked me into going into this little box.  I just barely could fit, I couldn't climb, I couldn't scratch, I just plain couldn't do anything but lay there.  Then we went into this strange new place that had lots of that scruffy dogs smell, and I actually couldn't believe I saw another CAT!  He was rather conceited though, being of the Persian side of  our descendants.  As if that wasn't bad enough, there was ANOTHER one of the scruffy dog that sits with me every day.  But, I have learned to appreciate the one who shares my window space with me, she is quiet, that other one though, well I would have liked to sharpen my claws on him, that was until the BIG not so scruffy dog, started sniffing around.  What was my human thinking, your with me on all of this right? Pretty bad, right?  Huh, nothing compared to when I went to see "our special friend" as my human called him.  Her defination of friend is a little askew if you ask me.  And I showed him exactly what I thought of him as he stuck this sharp tiny little thing into me.  That will NEVER happen again, and I good care less if I ever see that "special" human again.  Life was so traumatic there for a couple of days!
It is nice to be back in my humble abode.  I have learned that the docter's office is not thrilled about my visiting so I have learned they are off limits........that's what my human thinks and we don't need her to be any the wiser......